Our community outreach provides additional support to Canton and surrounding areas though spiritual growth. Through monthly outreach events, Healing Services, and Table Discussions families and individuals in the community and surrounding areas are further equipped to succeed in their relationship with Jesus Christ.


Every Thursday we come together as a community to pray for the sick. Pastor Don had an encounter with God years ago and experienced total healing in his body. Through this encounter God has continued to use this ministry as a center and place where individuals can come for prayers of healing in their bodies. We serve dinner and have a children’s program during the service.

Thursday’s Dinner at 5:20pm. Service begins at 6:00pm. Children’s program is provided at the same time. 


Celebrate Recovery is a faith-based program designed to help people overcome various hurts, habits, and hang-ups. It provides a safe and supportive environment where individuals can find healing and freedom through a biblically-based approach. Here are some key aspects 

Celebrate Recovery meets on Thursdays beginning at 5:20pm for dinner. The program is 6:00pm-8:00pm. Childcare program is provided.


Good News Club is a weekly program for children aged 5 to 12.   Safe Environment: Good News Club offers a safe and supportive environment where children can explore their faith and ask questions. Accessibility: Our club provides bus transportation if needed.

Good News Club is every Thursday beginning with dinner at 5:20pm. Good News Club is from 6:00pm-8:00pm.

Biblical Education

It provides a basis of Biblical Education: Children learn about the Bible and Christian values through engaging and age-appropriate lessons.

Moral and Character Development

Moral and Character Development: The program promotes moral and character development, helping children understand and apply biblical principles in their daily lives.

Community Building

Community Building: It fosters a sense of community among children and their families, creating opportunities for positive social interactions and friendships.


 We at the Total Living Center are passionate in our pursuit of Jesus Christ. The prayer room is designed to come together as a corporate body of believers across Stark County in prayer for heaven to invade earth as we pray for the return of Jesus Christ. This time is open to all and is a requirement for our TLC Academy students.

Friday Prayer Room Hours

1st & 3rd Friday 5am-7am

2nd Friday 10pm-2am

4th 7pm-9pm



 Table Talk exist as a way for people to engage in biblical community that helps them become more like Jesus in every area of their lives. Here at the Total Living Center, we desire to bring transformation for the entire individual including their spiritual walk. Weekly we provide Table Talk on topics such as the Mountain Moving Lifestyle and Fresh Start. These lessons cover topics that empower each person to live a full life in Christ Jesus.

Weekly Monday-Thursday 12:30-1:30pm


 Love Tent was formed as a gathering to reach out to our community in the height of COVID-19. Pastor Ben was moved by the Holy Spirit to do something when churches were closing he said, “We need to be a place of hope for those hurting, not closing our doors.” Love Tent is a way for the churches of Canton to come together as one and reach out to the community outside the four walls of a church building. At the Love Tent we have ministry to the community as well as a meal, groceries, and giveaways to meet the needs of the people. Love Tent is based in various communities throughout the summer months.

To partner alongside us email us at


 Monthly we host a day to serve. This serve day is to work on various projects for our community. It could be to complete repair projects in our building or simply help a member of the community. Serve days allow for individuals to utilize their talents to benefit the community. This is an opportunity that can be set up for church groups, school groups, or hours of volunteering through your work.

To set up a Serve Day email